Welcome to the World of Snails !

Snails, snails, snails... where would we be without snails?

Everybody loves snails. What is there to not like? No arms, no legs, no barking in the middle of the night. No leaving dead mice on the doormat. With such loving personalities, it's no wonder everyone loves snails.

Welcome to our site, where you can find out everything you need to know about these fine pets. Please, feel free to contribute to our site:

  • Add a comment on the page dedicated to your type of snail.
  • Rate your experience with the store that sold your snail.
  • Like or dislike our blog articles, or to send us an article you'd like to share.
  • Participate in the discussion on the Forum pages.
We hope you find snailadvisor.com helpful - if you have any comments of suggestions do hesitate to let us know.